Lab Meeting

06/06/25 Yiyu Wang

05/30/25 Yifei Chen

05/09/25 Mohan Gupta

05/05/25 Senior undergraduates

04/11/25 Yiyu Wang

03/21/25 Junior undergraduates

03/14/25 Yifei Chen

03/07/25 Yifei Chen

02/28/25 Yiyu Wang

02/21/25 Mohan Gupta - "I Need a Break:  Task Similarity's Effect on Memory Formation and Fatigue in Motor Skill Learning"

02/14/25 Tommy Kan - “Future goals for Kinarm experiment”

02/07/25 Mohan Gupta - “Semantic Memory is the Key to the Testing Effect:  Insights from Word-Location Learning”

12/13/24 Markus Gödker

12/06/24 Yiyu Wang

11/22/24 Mohan Gupta and Javier

11/15/24 Fulvio Domini

11/11/24 Mark Mon-Williams - Professor Mark Mon-Williams (MMW) holds a Chair in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Leeds, and is Professor of Psychology at the Bradford Institute of Health Research, and Professor of Paediatric Vision at The Norwegian Centre for Vision. He is also a Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute (the UK’s National data analytics centre).