

Velázquez-Vargas, Carlos A., and Jordan A. Taylor. “Learning to Move and Plan Like the Knight: Sequential Decision Making With a Novel Motor Mapping.” n. pag.


Falcone, Sara, and Jordan A. Taylor. “The Impact of Spatiotemporal Calibration on Sense of Embodiment and Task Performance in Teleoperation.” Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (2024): 2226–2232. Print.
Velázquez-Vargas, Carlos A., Nathaniel D. Daw, and Jordan A. Taylor. “The Role of Training Variability for Model-Based and Model-Free Learning of an Arbitrary Visuomotor Mapping.” PLoS Computational Biology (2024): n. pag.
Velázquez-Vargas, Carlos A., and Jordan A. Taylor. “Working Memory Constraints for Visuomotor Retrieval Strategies.” Journal of Neurophysiology 132.2 (2024): 347–361.
Velázquez-Vargas, Carlos A. et al. “Learning to Abstract Visuomotor Mappings Using Meta-Reinforcement Learning.” ICLR 2024 Workshop on Representational Alignment (Re-Align) 46 (2024): 1–11.
Velázquez-Vargas, Carlos A. et al. “Learning to Abstract Visuomotor Mappings Using Meta-Reinforcement Learning.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46 (2024): 2240–2246.


Al-Fawakhiri, Naser et al. “Exploring the Role of Task Success in Implicit Motor Adaptation.” Journal of Neurophysiology 130 (2023): 332–344.
Annes, Charlotte, Jordan Taylor, and Robert Hallock. “The Effect of Workspace Tidiness on Schoolwork Performance of High School Students.” Journal of Emerging Investigators 6.5 (2023): 1–5.
Velazquez-Vargas, Carlos Alan, and Jordan Taylor. “Exploring Human Learning and Planning in Grid Navigation With Arbitrary Mappings..” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (2023): n. pag.


McDougle, Samuel D. et al. “Revisiting the Role of the Medial Temporal Lobe in Motor Learning.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34.3 (2022): 532–549.
Mushtaq, Faisal et al. “Distinct Neural Signatures of Outcome Monitoring After Selection and Execution Errors.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34.5 (2022): 748–765.


Cesanek, Evan, Jordan A. Taylor, and Fulvio Domini. “Persistent Grasping Errors Produce Depth Cue Reweighting in Perception.” Vision Research 178 (2021): n. pag.
Forano, Marion et al. “Direct and Indirect Cues Can Enable Dual Adaptation, But through Different Learning Processes.” J Neurophysiol 126.5 (2021): 1490–1506.
Wang, Tianhe, and Jordan A. Taylor. “Implicit Adaptation to Mirror Reversal Is in the Correct Coordinate System But the Wrong Direction.” J Neurophysiol 126.5 (2021): 1478–1489.
Wilterson, Sarah A., and Jordan A. Taylor. “Implicit Visuomotor Adaptation Remains Limited After Several Days of Training.” eNeuro 8.4 (2021): n. pag.


Schween, Raphael et al. “Assessing Explicit Strategies in Force Field Adaptation.” J Neurophysiol 123.4 (2020): 1552–1565.
Taylor, Jordan, and Samuel McDougle. “Visuomotor Adaptation Tasks As a Window into the Interplay Between Explicit and Implicit Cognitive Processes.” Cognitive Neurosciences VI. MIT Press, 2020. 549–558. Print.


Butcher, Peter, and Jordan Taylor. “Decomposition of a Sensory Prediction Error Signal for Visuomotor Adaptation.” J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 44.2 (2018): 176–194.
Cesanek, Evan et al. “Does Visuomotor Adaptation Contribute to Illusion-Resistant Grasping?.” Psychon Bull Rev 25.2 (2018): 827–845.
Hutter, Sarah, and Jordan Taylor. “Relative Sensitivity of Explicit Reaiming and Implicit Motor Adaptation.” J Neurophysiol 120.5 (2018): 2640–2648.
Schween, Raphael, Jordan Taylor, and Mathias Hegele. “Plan-Based Generalization Shapes Local Implicit Adaptation to Opposing Visuomotor Transformations.” J Neurophysiol 120.6 (2018): 2775–2787.


Bond, Krista, and Jordan Taylor. “Structural Learning in a Visuomotor Adaptation Task Is Explicitly Accessible.” eNeuro 4.4 (2017): n. pag.
McDougle, Samuel, Krista Bond, and Jordan Taylor. “Implications of Plan-Based Generalization in Sensorimotor Adaptation.” J Neurophysiol 118.1 (2017): 383–393.


Day, Kevin et al. “Visuomotor Learning Generalizes Around the Intended Movement.” eNeuro 3.2 (2016): n. pag.
Fan, Judith, Nicholas Turk-Browne, and Jordan Taylor. “Error-Driven Learning in Statistical Summary Perception.” J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 42.2 (2016): 266–80.
McDougle, Samuel, Richard Ivry, and Jordan Taylor. “Taking Aim at the Cognitive Side of Learning in Sensorimotor Adaptation Tasks.” Trends Cogn Sci 20.7 (2016): 535–544.
McDougle, Samuel et al. “Credit Assignment in Movement-Dependent Reinforcement Learning.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113.24 (2016): 6797–802.
Poh, Eugene, Timothy Carroll, and Jordan Taylor. “Effect of Coordinate Frame Compatibility on the Transfer of Implicit and Explicit Learning across Limbs.” J Neurophysiol 116.3 (2016): 1239–49.


Bond, Krista, and Jordan Taylor. “Flexible Explicit But Rigid Implicit Learning in a Visuomotor Adaptation Task.” J Neurophysiol 113.10 (2015): 3836–49.
McDougle, Samuel, Krista Bond, and Jordan Taylor. “Explicit and Implicit Processes Constitute the Fast and Slow Processes of Sensorimotor Learning.” J Neurosci 35.26 (2015): 9568–79.


Taylor, Jordan, John Krakauer, and Richard Ivry. “Explicit and Implicit Contributions to Learning in a Sensorimotor Adaptation Task.” J Neurosci 34.8 (2014): 3023–32.
Taylor, Jordan, and Richard Ivry. “Cerebellar and Prefrontal Cortex Contributions to Adaptation, Strategies, and Reinforcement Learning.” Prog Brain Res 210 (2014): 217–53.


Fan, Judith, Nicholas Turk-Browne, and Jordan Taylor. “Feedback-Driven Tuning of Statistical Summary Representations.” Vis cogn 21.6 (2013): 685–689.