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Butcher, Peter, Richard Ivry, Sheng-Han Kuo, David Rydz, John Krakauer, and Jordan Taylor. (2017) 2017. “The Cerebellum Does More Than Sensory Prediction Error-Based Learning in Sensorimotor Adaptation Tasks”. J Neurophysiol 118 (3): 1622-36. doi:10.1152/jn.00451.2017. Reference Link
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Stark-Inbar, Alit, Meher Raza, Jordan Taylor, and Richard Ivry. (2017) 2017. “Individual Differences in Implicit Motor Learning: Task Specificity in Sensorimotor Adaptation and Sequence Learning”. J Neurophysiol 117 (1): 412-28. doi:10.1152/jn.01141.2015. Reference Link
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Brudner, Samuel, Nikhit Kethidi, Damaris Graeupner, Richard Ivry, and Jordan Taylor. (2016) 2016. “Delayed Feedback During Sensorimotor Learning Selectively Disrupts Adaptation But Not Strategy Use”. J Neurophysiol 115 (3): 1499-511. doi:10.1152/jn.00066.2015. Reference Link
Fan, Judith, Nicholas Turk-Browne, and Jordan Taylor. (2016) 2016. “Error-Driven Learning in Statistical Summary Perception”. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 42 (2): 266-80. doi:10.1037/xhp0000132. Reference Link
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