Taylor, Jordan, Greg Wojaczynski, and Richard Ivry. (2011) 2011. “Trial-by-Trial Analysis of Intermanual Transfer During Visuomotor Adaptation”. J Neurophysiol 106 (6): 3157-72. doi:10.1152/jn.01008.2010. Reference Link
McDougle, Samuel, and Jordan Taylor. (2019) 2019. “Dissociable Cognitive Strategies for Sensorimotor Learning”. Nat Commun 10 (1): 40. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07941-0. Reference Link
Hutter, Sarah, and Jordan Taylor. (2018) 2018. “Relative Sensitivity of Explicit Reaiming and Implicit Motor Adaptation”. J Neurophysiol 120 (5): 2640-48. doi:10.1152/jn.00283.2018. Reference Link
Bond, Krista, and Jordan Taylor. (2017) 2017. “Structural Learning in a Visuomotor Adaptation Task Is Explicitly Accessible”. ENeuro 4 (4). doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0122-17.2017. Reference Link
Butcher, Peter, and Jordan Taylor. (2018) 2018. “Decomposition of a Sensory Prediction Error Signal for Visuomotor Adaptation”. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 44 (2): 176-94. doi:10.1037/xhp0000440. Reference Link
McDougle, Samuel, Krista Bond, and Jordan Taylor. (2017) 2017. “Implications of Plan-Based Generalization in Sensorimotor Adaptation”. J Neurophysiol 118 (1): 383-93. doi:10.1152/jn.00974.2016. Reference Link
Morehead, Ryan, Jordan Taylor, Darius Parvin, and Richard Ivry. (2017) 2017. “Characteristics of Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation Revealed by Task-Irrelevant Clamped Feedback”. J Cogn Neurosci 29 (6): 1061-74. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01108. Reference Link
Stark-Inbar, Alit, Meher Raza, Jordan Taylor, and Richard Ivry. (2017) 2017. “Individual Differences in Implicit Motor Learning: Task Specificity in Sensorimotor Adaptation and Sequence Learning”. J Neurophysiol 117 (1): 412-28. doi:10.1152/jn.01141.2015. Reference Link
Poh, Eugene, Timothy Carroll, and Jordan Taylor. (2016) 2016. “Effect of Coordinate Frame Compatibility on the Transfer of Implicit and Explicit Learning across Limbs”. J Neurophysiol 116 (3): 1239-49. doi:10.1152/jn.00410.2016. Reference Link
Day, Kevin, Ryan Roemmich, Jordan Taylor, and Amy Bastian. (2016) 2016. “Visuomotor Learning Generalizes Around the Intended Movement”. ENeuro 3 (2). doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0005-16.2016. Reference Link
Fan, Judith, Nicholas Turk-Browne, and Jordan Taylor. (2016) 2016. “Error-Driven Learning in Statistical Summary Perception”. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 42 (2): 266-80. doi:10.1037/xhp0000132. Reference Link
McDougle, Samuel, Krista Bond, and Jordan Taylor. (2015) 2015. “Explicit and Implicit Processes Constitute the Fast and Slow Processes of Sensorimotor Learning”. J Neurosci 35 (26): 9568-79. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5061-14.2015. Reference Link
Bond, Krista, and Jordan Taylor. (2015) 2015. “Flexible Explicit But Rigid Implicit Learning in a Visuomotor Adaptation Task”. J Neurophysiol 113 (10): 3836-49. doi:10.1152/jn.00009.2015. Reference Link
Taylor, Jordan, John Krakauer, and Richard Ivry. (2014) 2014. “Explicit and Implicit Contributions to Learning in a Sensorimotor Adaptation Task”. J Neurosci 34 (8): 3023-32. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3619-13.2014. Reference Link